Student resume 작성 tips


Here are some things to consider when it comes to format and design.

  1. 1. (Don’t) Give ‘em Helvetica. Choose a serif font. What’s a serif font? It’s a font with little feet at the bottom of each letter, like Times New Roman. The opposite of a serif font is a sans-serif font, like Helvetica—no feet, see? A serif font looks a little more traditional and professional on a resume.

  2. 2. Create a style for each level of information. Bold or capitalize headings. Use italics or underline if you’d like. Make use of bullet points. The key here is consistency. There’s not one right way—just choose a style and stick to it.

  3. 3. Commit to one page. Your concision will gain you brownie points from college admissions counselors who’ve read one too many applications.

  4. 4. Respect white space. Leave the document’s margins at 1 inch. Keep a space between each section. White space is both a useful design tool and gentle on the reader’s eyes.

Serif Font Example

Use this one. Ex: Times New Roman

Sans-Serif Font Example

Don’t use these. Ex: Helvetica
