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UC Testing Requirements(SAT/ACT)

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UC Testing Requirements 


The UCs accept both SAT with Essay and ACT with Writing scores. 

Keep in mind that the UCs require the optional essay for the SAT and the optional writing for the ACT. You can get an idea of how well you will do on these exams by taking the PSAT and ACT Aspire in 10th grade. 


The UC campuses will only consider your top combined score from one test date (no “superscore”) and they don’t really care how many times you take the exams (although most private colleges frown on excessive test taking, so plan accordingly). 


If you took both the SAT and ACT, the UCs compare the scores and take the highest one. The UCs do not require the SAT Subject Tests. However, each UC campus has its own SAT Subject Test Recommendations that you should follow. 

You may also use SAT Subject Tests to clear a-g subjects; see the a-g subject requirements for details. 



- UC는 SAT 혹은 ACT 어떤것이든 무방

- SAT 혹은 ACT with writing 필수

- 몇번의 시험이든 상관하지 않음(하지만 사립대학포함 타 대학은 다를수 있으므로 전체적으로 잘 고려하여야 함)

- 가장 높은 점수 채택(with one seating이며 superscore 아님)

- SAT subject tests: UC는 기본적으로 필수 사항은 아니지만 캠퍼스마다 다른 기준을 적용하므로 확인 필수. 또한 고교 이수과목에 대체 가능하므로 UC 웹싸이트 통하여 확인할것. 



