2019년 지원서 부터 적용되는 UC 지원서 변경 사항

YESFLEX 0 1408

8월 1일에 공식적인  UC  지원서가 오픈됩니다(online)

The UCs launched a redesigned application for Fall 2020. There's very little change in the information requested on the application (basically the interface is prettier and slightly more mobile-friendly, that's about it). But the Activities & Awards section has couple significant changes:

  1. Entries for activities are no longer restricted by category (there used to be five or six categories, depending on whether you are completing the transfer or freshman application, of five maximum entries per category); you can now enter up to 20 activities of any combination of categories.
  2. Each activity description has a 500-character limit (it used to be 160 characters; a fellow consultant contacted the UC Application Center and forwarded the confirmation that the Fall 2020 application will have the same 500-character limit to me).

Information and documents you will need to help you complete the UC Application:

  • Transcripts - You know the admission cancellation horror stories you are hearing right around now? You can avoid that by having a current copy of your transcript(s) in front of you while completing your UC Application.
  • Test Scores (Freshman Applicants) - The UCs do NOT superscore! (I have heard of one instance of admission cancellation due to the student putting a superscore on the application; don't try your luck.) You have until December 2019 to take the required test (either ACT with Writing or SAT with Essay) and any recommended SAT Subject Tests.
  • Family Income - Required if you are applying for application fee waiver. You'll need last year's income information (2018) and this year's (estimated 2019).
  • Social Security Number/Citizenship Status - I've heard of cases where students found out they were undocumented when they began filling out college applications. While Social Security Number is OPTIONAL, you should have it handy if you have one (makes matching your documents MUCH EASIER), or get your DACA paperwork going if you haven't already.
  • California Statewide Student ID - This information is optional but you should be able to find it somewhere on your transcript.
  • Extracurricular Activities List - Take note of the changes to this section mentioned above and prepare accordingly!
  • Technical Requirements - Make sure you have a compatible device/browser (go here and scroll down to "System Requirements" for the list).

Find additional information at UC Admissions - About applying online.

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