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UC Freshman Admission Update

2018년 9월부로 직, 간접으로 발표되는 UC 소식에 의하면, UCLA, UCSD 그리고 UCSB 모두 약 25% 이상의 과 등록(over-enrolled by the target)상태이며 다른  UC 캠퍼스들도 비슷한 양상을 보이고 있다고 합니다. 따라서 UCLA 에 의하면 다음 몇년 동안 입학률을 감소하여 조정할 계획이며 아마도 다른 캠퍼스들도 비슷한 조치를 취할거라는 소식입니다. 올해 지원자(현 12학년)들은  백업 스쿨 리스트의 재 검토에 신경써야 할것으로 간주됩니다.(편입 지원자에게는 해당 없습니다)

As of September 2018, UCLA, UCSD, and UCSB have either directly or inadvertently stated that they over-enrolled for Fall 2018 (some by more than 25% of the enrollment target) and it's likely that other UCs may have over-enrolled as well (even though they didn't say anything). UCLA has stated that the campus will reduce enrollment in the next few years and it's safe to assume that other over-enrolled UCs will do the same. Given that enrollment reduction for Fall 2019 is imminent, take some time to consider and evaluate your backup college options in preparation for this.  
