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Biology 전공, 미국 대학 Top 30 리스트

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2018 생물학(BIOLOGY) 전공, 미국대학 TOP30

메디칼 관련 전공에의 관심도 해마다 높아지고 있고

바이오와 관련한 것들의 수요가 더욱 증가하는 추세 이다 보니 생물학 전공을 희망하는 학생들이 많습니다.

2018 생물학(Biology) 전공 미국대학 순위입니다.


1. Harvard University

2. Stanford University

3. Yale University

4. MIT

5. Duke University

6. Princeton University

7. Washington University in St. Louis

8. University of Pennsylvania

9. University of Chicago

10. Cornell University

11. Vanderbilt University

12. Brown University

13. Columbia University

14. Rice University

15. CalTech

16. Johns Hopkins University

17. Dartmouth College

18. Emory University

19. Tufts University

20. Northwestern University

21. Bowdoin College

22. Pomona College

23. University of Southern California

24. University of Notre Dame

25. Georgetown University

26. University of Michigan – Ann Arbor

27. Northeastern University

28. University of Wisconsin

29. Swarthmore College

30. University of California – Berkeley
